This project was created during the second part of the course. I used the skills I had learnt in the basics course, as well as using APIs, adding bootstrap, and more advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills we learnt along the way. It's a fairly plain looking weather website, that allows for searcing of weather around the world, as well as converting temperatures from celsius to fahrenheit, and showing the temperature forecast for the following 5 days.
This project was a mock-up of the current Portfolio I have created. I worked on this to develop my skills when it comes to making websites responsive, and user friendly for mobile phones. I also added in SEO to make my website more search engine friendly.
This project was created during the final part of the course. I used the skills I had previously learnt, as well as using APIs, adding bootstrap, and more advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also included photo images and audio files that pronounce the searched word.
In this project I recreated the original Weather app, but made it in react, as well as making the website responsive and more user friendly.